
Chicken Tic-Tac-Toe

I’m currently taking the free Harward CS50 Introduction to Computer Science course and built a chicken tic-tac-toe for the scratch assignment. Tic-Tac-Toe was one of the first things I programmed

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Complicated vs. Complex

Let’s delve into the nuanced distinction between complicated and complex. While these terms might initially appear interchangeable, it’s crucial to discern their subtle differences. To establish a foundation, let’s turn

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Unity: Callbacks and Multi-Threading

Even if you’re not explicitly working with multi-threading, Unity’s internal processes might be, and it’s crucial to be able to recognise a threading problem when you encounter it. Unity can

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Unity: Scroll Rect Controller Input

Have you ever wondered why controller input isn’t supported by the scroll rect? This is a question that crosses my mind every time I work on UI with controller support.

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Mixed Reality meets Green Screen

During a demo project at the MD.I Hub for an automotive client, I combined the Oculus Rift (VR headset) with the ZED Mini (stereo camera) to craft an immersive mixed-reality

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Unity: Load Assets in Editor

Sometimes you need to load assets in the editor without the comfort of a direct reference. Assets are loaded using the AssetDatabase and it can be done by Instance ID

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Programming Glossary

Have you ever wondered what makes code “dirty,” what refactoring entails, and why there are no silver bullets in programming? I’ve compiled a glossary with brief explanations to help you

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Unity: Don’t Cache in OnTrigger

In a nutshell: steer clear of OnTrigger callbacks when it comes to managing caches.   By caches, I’m referring to any collection that monitors the objects within the collider. These

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