A collaboration with publisher United Soft Media. Puzzle adventure for iOS, Android, and Steam, based on the award-winning EXIT – The Game® board game series.
Genre: Puzzle
Platform: Android/iOS and Steam
Artstil: 2D with 3D items
Engine: Unity 3D
Year: 2022-2023
The second digital adaptation of the series invites players to the legendary Greifenstein castle, located deep in the German highlands known as the Harz. A mystery surrounding the countess, which had not been seen for years, awaits.
Various special items can be used to contact the ghosts that haunt the stone halls of Greifenstein. The countess’ secrets must be uncovered by solving logical puzzles with a supernatural touch. Each of the castle’s distinct rooms offers a unique and dense atmosphere for players to immerse themselves in. Keeping in tradition with the board games, everything in and around the game can be part of the puzzles.